
One of the practical solutions for those who call themselves nihilists


4960 × 3507



Here be a sample post with a custom background image. To utilize this “feature” just add the following YAML to a post’s front matter.

image: background: filename.png 

This little bit of YAML makes the assumption that your background image asset...

Syntax Highlighting Post

Syntax highlighting is a feature that displays source code, in different colors and fonts according to the category of terms. This feature facilitates writing in a structured language such as a programming language or a markup language as both structures and syntax errors are visually distinct. Highlighting does not affect...

Sample Link Post

This theme supports link posts, made famous by John Gruber. To use, just add link: http://url-you-want-linked to the post’s YAML front matter and you’re done.

Video embeds are responsive and scale with the width of the main content block with the help of FitVids.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/SU3kYxJmWuQ" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Post with Large Feature Image and Text

This is a sample post with a large feature image up top and tons of text. Odio ad blue bottle vinyl, 90’s narwhal commodo bitters pour-over nostrud. Ugh est hashtag in, fingerstache adipisicing laboris esse Pinterest shabby chic Portland. Shoreditch bicycle rights anim, flexitarian laboris put a bird on it...

Here are some examples of what a post with images might look like. If you want to display two or three images next to each other responsively use figure with the appropriate class. Each instance of figure is auto-numbered and displayed in the caption.

Testing Readability with a Bunch of Text

Portland in shoreditch Vice, labore typewriter pariatur hoodie fap sartorial Austin. Pinterest literally occupy Schlitz forage. Odio ad blue bottle vinyl, 90’s narwhal commodo bitters pour-over nostrud. Ugh est hashtag in, fingerstache adipisicing laboris esse Pinterest shabby chic Portland. Shoreditch bicycle rights anim, flexitarian laboris put a bird on it...

Sample Post

Below is just about everything you’ll need to style in the theme. Check the source code to see the many embedded elements within paragraphs.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Body text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,...